Early Wrestlemania 30 Plans

wrestlemania_xxx_logo.0_standard_352.0According to F4WOnline.com, early planning for Wrestlemania 30 has begun. If The Rock agrees to work the event plans see him return to his 2002 feud against Brock Lesnar. While in the program with Triple H, Lesnar did foreshadow a future match against The Rock by looking at the poster of the 2013 Royal Rumble at the WWE Headquarters.

There is another idea with The Undertaker placing his streak against Ryback. Now that Paul Heyman is the manager of Ryback the story would play out that he has found a larger associate to end the legendary streak of The Undertaker in which his past associate, CM Punk, could not do.

Should The Rock not return at Wrestlemania 30 another plan that has been mentioned is The Undertaker against Brock Lesnar.

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