2013 Slammy Awards Winners & Analysis

slammy1This week’s edition of Monday Night Raw live from Seattle, Washington featured the 2013 Slammy Awards hosted by Hall of Famers of Booker T and Jerry “The King” Lawler and above all was a fun one throughout from this viewer. There was a card full of matches and it seemed to flow exceptionally well even with awards being given out between matches. They used the commercial breaks perfectly by presenting an award and then allowing a wrestler from the next match come down the ramp. Below are the award winners and my analysis.

slammy2LOL Moment of the Year: Presented by The New Age Outlaws
Winner: The Rock Concert – Award accepted by Vickie Guerrero
-Out of the other choices such as Vickie Guerrero throwing a fit after being fired, Titus O’Neil not being able to hold down his Thanksgiving feast and Santino’s hand-cobra being charmed by both Jinder Mahal and The Great Khali, this was the easiest choice on the list to get the vote. As much as I hate to hear at award ceremonies that the winner is not present to accept the award I’ll agree that it was indeed the right pick.

hbkDouble-Cross of the Year: Presented by The Shield
Winner: Shawn Michaels (Costing Daniel Bryan at Hell in a Cell)
-The other choices in the voting was Triple H costing Daniel Bryan the WWE Championship, Mark Henry’s Retirement Speech, and Paul Heyman costing CM Punk at Money in the Bank. Perfect winner as it puts more emphasis on the hopeful rivalry of trainer and protege, Shawn Michaels and Daniel Bryan. I would, however, say that if Shawn Michaels wouldn’t have double-crossed Daniel Bryan at Hell in a Cell, the award should have went to Mark Henry for his Oscar worthy fake retirement speech that fooled everyone in attendance and around the world watching on television that Monday night in June.

slammy7Diva of the Year: Presented by Eve Torres
Winners: Bella Twins
-Can’t say I agree with this choice and the Seattle crowd voiced their displeasure with the win as well. AJ Lee was the most deserving out as 2013 has solely been her year.

slammy8Superstar of the Year: Presented by Shawn Michaels
Winner: Daniel Bryan
-Consider me joyfully surprised when Shawn Michaels announced the Superstar of the Year as Daniel Bryan. Everyone and their grandmother knew that 2013 belonged to Daniel Bryan, but to see him win a Slammy was remarkable. It was also perfect to see his double-crosser, Shawn Michaels, hand him the award with reluctance. If this isn’t a setup for Wrestlemania 30 then I don’t know what it could be. My fingers are definitely crossed. Winning out of the choices like John Cena, Randy Orton, Big Show, CM Punk and Brock Lesnar it definitely should be treated like a big deal. I mean, c’mon, the main event of the “Unification” Match at Sunday’s Tables, Ladders and Chairs Pay-Per-View has both Cena and Orton in the main event and they didn’t win this award.

slammy5Fan Participation of the Year: Presented by The Primetime Players
Winner: Daniel Bryan (YES! YES! YES)
-All I can say with this award is YES! YES! YES! The only other credible choice would have been Fandango-ing, but let’s be honest the “Yes” chant is by far the best thing going on today. Could it very well be this generation’s “What” chant? God, I hope so because I absolutely hated that chant resonated by “Stone Cold” Steve Austin.

slammy6Insult of the Year: Presented by The Miz
Winner: Stephanie McMahon
-I suppose her insults to Big Show were mean enough to win, but first off this is a very strange award considering that WWE supports Be a Star program. Remember? No bullies allowed! The other choices were Zeb Colter’s Tea Party insults, Paul Heyman rants on Punk and AJ dropping a pipebomb on the Total Divas Cast. I truly thought that Diva’s Champion AJ Lee had the victory in the bag with this one as her pipebomb was the most memorable out of the choices.

slammy4Extreme Moment of the Year: Presented by Mick Foley
Winner: CM Punk (Canes Paul Heyman on top of the Hell in a Cell)
-I certainly didn’t expect this to be the winner as I looked at the voting choices. On the list of The Shield powerbombing The Undertaker through the announce table, Ryback spearing John Cena through the Extreme Rules set, and the Wyatts attack on Kane at Summerslam, the winner of this award seemed tame at best. My choice as I believed that others would have voted for was The Shield’s attack on The Undertaker. Perhaps it was due to there not being any followup scheduled with The Deadman and The Shield or perhaps that they felt that CM Punk needed to leave Seattle with a Slammy in hand. Either way, not my pick.

slammy9Match of the Year: Presented by Bret “The Hitman” Hart
Winner: John Cena vs. The Rock
-I clearly don’t think this should have won the Match of the Year as it was by far one of the most overhyped matches in WWE history. The other choices of CM Punk vs. The Undertaker, Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar and The Shield vs. The Rhodes Brothers were much better picks. I’ve read a lot about how Punk wasn’t really that excited to be this year’s victim to The Undertaker. The cage match with Triple H against Brock Lesnar was a snooze fest and that only leaves the only match of The Shield taking on the Rhodes Brothers. I see how the WWE felt obligated to deliver the Slammy Award to this year’s Wrestlemania but not deserving at all.

The other award given out on the WWE app were as follows:

“What a Maneuver” Award: Roman Reigns’ Spear

Faction of the Year: The Shield

“You’ve Still Got It” Award: Goldust

Couple of the Year: Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella

Tag Team of the Year: Goldust and Cody Rhodes

Feat of Strength: Mark Henry pulls two trucks with his bare hands

“Say What?” Quote of the Year: Dusty Rhodes, “…I’ll be your huckleberry all night long.”

Best Dance Moves: The Funkadactyls

Favorite Web Show: The JBL & Cole Show

Best Crowd of the Year: Raw after WrestleMania 29

Catchphrase of the Year: YES! YES! YES!

Breakout Star of the Year: The Shield

“This is Awesome!” Moment of the Year: Big Show knocks out Triple H

Trending Now (Hashtag of the Year): #BelieveInTheShield

Beard of the Year: Daniel Bryan

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