WWE Payback Predictions

WWEPayback2014posterTonight is WWE Payback and Dropkick Daily is back to give their predictions. Just for a reminder these are just our thoughts and in no way shape or form what what may actually happen. It has been written on various dirtsheets that the pay-per-view will be better than what it looks on paper. Make no mistake, a few matches on the card will be good to great, though.

Hair vs. Mask Pre-Show Match
Hornswoggle vs. El Torito
-The Extreme Rules Pre-Show Match was cute, but c’mon there are many wrestlers backstage that could see pre-show action other than these two. After tonight we will see a bald Hornswoggle. That’s all that needs to be said about this one, folks.
Predicted Winner: El Torito

Intercontinental Championship Match
Bad News Barrett (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
-This is a match that doesn’t have much stem going into WWE Payback; nor is it a match that I’m looking forward to. Rob Van Dam hasn’t delivered in a match for a long time, dare I say since his match with Chris Jericho on July 13, 2013. He is mainly used to win matches on Raw, but lose at the PPV and that’s certainly not a bad thing. He will do good against Bad News Barrett and will lose valiantly to the uprising superstar. The question is, however, where will RVD go after this feud is over? As for Bad News Barrett, I could see the resurgence of Kofi Kingston coming back into play.
Predicted Winner: Bad News Barrett

United States Championship Match
Sheamus (c) vs. Cesaro
-These two smash mouth wrestlers will have the match of the night if given enough time. Their match on Raw a couple weeks ago is evidence of that. Although Cesaro should be a champion by now, he should not be the United States Champion. That could easily be said about Sheamus, though. Both wrestlers are far better than fighting over such a third-rate championship, but nonetheless these two will deliver big time tonight. Ultimately, Sheamus will pull out the victory. Depending on what the plans for Cesaro is in regards to being a babyface in the future perhaps Sheamus will win with a handful of tights tonight to show more of his villain side. At this point in time a heel turn would certainly do Sheamus a would of wonders as his babyface persona has run its course.
Predicted Winner: Sheamus

Diva’s Championship Match
Paige (c) vs. Alicia Fox
-Although Alicia Fox is currently rocking it as the crazed diva lunatic both inside and outside the ring, winning the Diva’s Championship tonight doesn’t seem right. However, that doesn’t mean that may not be in the works, but for the moment in time, Paige needs to continue showing dominance at least until AJ Lee is back into the mix. Could a return of CM Punk’s fiancé, AJ Lee be planned tonight considering WWE is in Chicago tonight?
Predicted Winner: Paige

Last Man Standing Match
John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt
-I am not a fan of Last Man Standing Matches as they sometimes lean on boredom, but tonight I expect that these two will do whatever it takes to make the match memorable. The feud between the two has been good, but mainly due to Wyatt’s fantastic promos. I am not one to insult Cena’s performances as it is quite juvenile when he delivers more times than not when it seems like he is down and out, but this feud either needs to hit another stride or end tonight. I do not see this feud carry onto Summerslam, but if that’s not the plans, I really don’t know where the two could go from here. Wyatt needs the win, but in the end, John Cena will prevail.
Predicted Winner: John Cena

Rusev vs. Big E
-This will be the first time they ever compete in a singles match after several run-ins with one another in the past few weeks. Rusev has been the victor against lower talent since his debut, but I don’t expect him to quickly run over Big E and leave him in the dust. I see a no contest in order which would lead the two into future pay-per-views. My only gripe with the buildup for this feud is why was it necessary to have Zack Ryder come to the ring with an American flag on Memorial Day only to be decimated and have Big E make the save and stand tall with the flag with Ryder nowhere to be found?
Predicted Winner: No Contest

6-Man No Holds Barred Elimination Match
Evolution vs. The Shield
-All six men in this match will make damn sure that this match will be remembered after tonight. Their 6-Man Match from Extreme Rules was good, but tonight they up the ante as it will be a no holds barred match as well as elimination rules. We could easily see Roman Reigns alone tonight against the veteran team, but I actually see Reigns and Rollins stand in the end against the team and see Ambrose eliminated somewhere in the mix. Although Evolution lost last month’s match against The Shield, they don’t necessarily need to win this match either. If the plan is to get to a singles match of Roman Reigns vs. Triple H at Summerslam then Reigns needs to keep trumping over Triple H in order to get him to return as a singles competitor.
Predicted Winner: The Shield

Lastly, what will be the decision of Daniel Bryan: Keeping the WWE World Heavyweight Championship or have his wife, Brie, fired from WWE. It’s kinda sad when this segment on the show is more interesting than most of tonight’s matches. I personally do not feel that neither will happen tonight and Bryan will leave with the championship. Although dirtsheets are claiming that Bryan is not expected to compete for another month, I see him at Money in the Bank against Kane in a Buried Alive Match. I also see Brie Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon at Summerslam happening, but how they get there should be very intriguing. That, however, does leave Daniel Bryan in need of a challenger, but right now there really isn’t anyone other than Randy Orton and does that really have to happen?
Prediction: Daniel Bryan leaves with the title and Brie stays employed

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