Does the WWE Universe want a Revolution?

pcbIsn’t it funny when the WWE Universe wants change, but when change is given, they don’t seem to want it. That’s how it is right now during the Diva Revolution. When Charlotte, Becky Lynch, and Sasha Banks joined the main roster the fans were excited. They were placed into the diva division with the likes of the Bellas, Paige, Naomi, Tamina, and Alicia Fox.

The three women would go into teams with Charlotte and Lynch joining forces with Paige, and Banks formed B.A.D. – Beautiful and Dangerous – with Naomi and Tamina. All seemed well with the WWE Universe. The divas were given more time on RAW and was able to deliver two matches on some nights.

Then the night after Summerslam it seemed like the audience decided to turn on them. Especially when on Saturday and Sunday the same exact city allowed them to showcase their skills. Here’s what I believe happened to make the audience to thwart the revolution: The Internet. There was a story released claiming that John Cena had plans changed that would have seen Charlotte, Becky Lynch, and Sasha Banks come into the main roster and dominate completely over the current divas and Charlotte would have won the Diva’s Championship on her first night. People are all upset about John Cena supposedly having creative go a different route. Granted, I really feel like it may be time for Nikki Bella to defend the Diva’s Championship, and she will soon as the next pay-per-view is Night of Champions; however, I don’t think it was fair for the Brooklyn audience just to turn against the women.

Allow me to remind everyone that is all upset over this. Paige debuted on the main roster the night after Wrestlemania on April 7, 2014, and won the Diva’s Championship against A.J. Lee in her first match. Why do it again? What did it really do for Paige? Yes, it was a fun moment, but ultimately it did absolutely nothing for her because once you’re on top there’s nowhere else to go.

I have heard rumblings that the WWE is thinking about bringing in Diva’s Tag-Team Titles. Now that’s a great idea, but the question is will the fans allow that? The WWE Universe wants change, but when change is given, it seems like they try to pull it back.

The whole scenario of John Cena making the change isn’t really newsworthy to me. If it is true then great. Right now Nikki Bella should be the champion. I believe that 100%. Will Charlotte, Becky Lynch, or Sasha Banks be champion soon? Absolutely. But let’s watch them grow first on the main roster. I expect that Charlotte will have her moment at Night of Champions.

Diva’s division should be built differently than all the men divisions. The women are fighting for ONE title as the men compete for several. If you allow a woman to win the title in a rather quick fashion there’s nowhere to go but down. I love a great underdog story, and rather you like it or not, heels are better champions in every situation. People pay to see the babyface run for the title, but oftentimes than not, when the babyface finally wins the title, what happens? The crowd turns on him or her.

And with that it brings this article full circle. Change is a funny thing. You want a revolution until you get one, and then you want to play the blame game and blame politics because a certain diva didn’t win or “wasn’t allowed” to win.

That’s wrestling, folks.

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