Rusev: Why is he mid-card?

rusevMonday Night Raw saw a match that I rather enjoyed. Kalisto against Rusev. I have always been a fan of the small wrestler taking on the challenge of the bigger wrestler. It usually presents fun and interesting matches, and this one certainly achieved that. I do rather enjoy Kalisto being the United States Champion as it’s something different. Hopefully in three weeks at WWE Fastlane when Kalisto defends against Alberto Del Rio we don’t see a title change and allow Kalisto to head into Wrestlemania as champion. I would like to see either A) A multi-man style match with the United States Championship on the line, or B) Kalisto vs. Alberto Del Rio in a 2 out of 3 Falls Match. I really envisioned that stipulation happening at WWE Fastlane.

Jumping to the topic that brought me to write this article, let’s talk about Rusev. Here’s a guy that has the look, size, and the “It” factor that the WWE bubble always speak about, yet he’s far removed from any sort of push. Yes, he takes on people that are in the WWE Title picture (IE Roman Reigns this week on Smackdown) but with the roster being narrow as it is right now there’s only so many different matches one could see each week. What I’m getting at is that he’ll lose to Reigns, then return on Monday and take on a completely different challenger and continue going down the path (or road) with no special opponent in sight for Wrestlemania. BUT, he should! He’s a solid talent that usually delivers in the ring. I find him in the same area that I see Bray Wyatt. Both are super talented and can work their asses off, but usually they become the guy for the top babyface to go through in order to get to the top of the card.

At Wrestlemania 30, Bray Wyatt faced off against John Cena in the middle of the card, and although he should have won, he lost in a 22 minute battle. Fast forward to Wrestlemania 31, Rusev steps into the ring with John Cena and lost in a 14 minute battle, and again like Wyatt, Resev should have won. The wins would have benefited both wrestlers greatly. I understand that they won prior matches at other Pay-Per-Views leading to Wrestlemania or captured the cheap victory on free television, but at Wrestlemania a win could have solidified them as main event stars. There’s absolutely no reason that these two aren’t former WWE Champions by now.

I see it all the time that NXT is the future, but we have a roster full of future stars that have been with the WWE for a long time and yet the current WWE Heavyweight Champion is Triple H. It’s almost like, I daresay, WCW. Was Triple H winning the 2016 Royal Rumble the only scenario that was placed on the table during the meeting? I understand that they wanted Reigns against HHH at Wrestlemania, but having a guy that only pulls out the trunks at Mania as the champion? It’s leaves a bad taste.

Either Rusev or Wyatt should be title holders by the end of 2016.


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