Thank You Daniel Bryan

danielbryanOn February 8, 2016 on Monday Night Raw live in Seattle, Washington Daniel Bryan retired from professional wrestling at the age of 34 due to medical reasons. In those minutes he delivered a poignant speech that was filled with everything and more about his career, his family, his friends, his wife, and his fans. It was sad, but it was happy all rolled into one.

I have followed Daniel Bryan’s career since 2002. From the beginning, he captivated my attention. Everyone called him the wrestler’s wrestler, and to me that is the epitome of Daniel Bryan. When asked who my favorite wrestler was I would say Daniel Bryan and quickly they would respond, “That’s now, but before that?” and I would then respond, “Well, I guess Shawn Michaels.” But now that Bryan has retired, am I now allowed to say my favorite wrestler is Daniel Bryan? Because he is and will always be and truthfully in everyone’s eyes he should be as well.

Daniel Bryan paved the way for the likes of Seth Rollins, Cesaro, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Hideo Itami, Samoa Joe, and the list will continue as more wrestlers from the independents sign with the WWE.

To look on just his WWE career he did so much in the years he was there. Not only did he win all the titles from United States to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, he created a stronghold on the WWE Universe and like he said last night, “The audience got behind me more than he could have even believed was possible.” Last night we saw the culmination of a man’s career, but more importantly, he saw the ending to a beautiful story – the story of an everyday man who ventured into the world of larger than life giants and ultimately became larger than all those giants combined and stayed true to himself. He didn’t do it for the fame or the glory, he did it to prove that he was the best wrestler in the world.

Before he came to the ring, I was a Daniel Bryan fan, but when he left, I was more a Bryan Lloyd Danielson fan. It takes sheer guts to lay it all out on the line and retire from a business that he loved like no other. Last night was his final night as a “wrestler” and when he woke up on Tuesday morning he began a new life, a new chapter in his book, and I’m grateful that we got the privilege to watch him do what he did best. When he came into the WWE people labeled him as a wrestler with no persona, and when he left, his persona was larger than life and he was still a wrestler.

The Yes! Movement will live on forever. Thank You Daniel Bryan.



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