WWE Battleground Predictions

0247192001466458778_filepicker.pngWWE presents Battleground this Sunday live on the WWE Network. Nine matches have been announced which includes a kickoff match. Let’s see if I can successfully predict some of these.

Kickoff Match – The Usos vs. Breezango
-I’ll throw a curveball and say Breezango pulls out the victory. They need it much more than the Usos at this point.

Becky Lynch vs. Natayla
-My prediction is that this match will probably have a non-finish and their rivalry will continue, but would like to see Becky Lynch pick up the win.

The Highlight Reel w/Randy Orton
-This will be a fun segment and I have a feeling that Cesaro will have something to do with it.

United States Title Match – Rusev (c) vs. Zack Ryder
-Rusev is a great champion. Several months back I wrote an article saying that he should be a champion by year’s end; however, I wasn’t talking about being the United States Champion again. I feel that he should be fighting for other championships. I’m pulling for Zack Ryder.

Intercontinental Title Match – The Miz (c) vs. Darren Young
-If you’re going to “Make Darren Young Great Again” he has to come away with the victory in this match. Give it to him and let him run with it.

Tag-Team Match – Charlotte & Dana Brooke vs. Sasha Banks & Mystery Partner
-Many are hoping that the mystery partner turns out to be Bayley. I’m thinking it’s going be Naomi. The reason being is that Summerslam it should be Charlotte defending the Women’s Championship against Sasha Banks and if someone like Bayley pops up on the scene what does she do at Summerslam? Winners will be Banks and partner.

6-Man Tag-Team Match – The New Day vs. Wyatt Family
-This will be the last match that the Wyatt Family will have together as a team. With that said, The New Day should leave as the winners. It seems like an easy prediction; however, Wrestlemania seemed like one too when they fought League of Nations and they ended up losing that one.

Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens
-Had these two been separated to different shows in the WWE Draft this match would feel epic as their last, but that’s not the case. The next day after Battleground the two will be on Raw. My prediction is Sami Zayn winning and ending the feud.

6-Man Tag-Team Match – John Cena, Enzo, & Big Cass vs. The Club
-This will be the last match that The Club is together as a team and my prediction lies with them.

WWE Championship Match – Dean Ambrose (c) vs. Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns
-Dean Ambrose should walk in as WWE Champion and leave as WWE Champion. Smackdown needs the WWE Championship to show credibility. On house shows in the future he’s booked against Bray Wyatt. Could that be his Summerslam opponent?

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