RUMOR: WWE refuses to release Ziggler

wwe-wants-dolph-ziggler-to-be-a-producerSo the rumors going around today is that Dolph Ziggler and Vince McMahon made a handshake agreement that Ziggler’s last two dates were Summerslam and the following Raw. As the rumors state, McMahon refused to allow Ziggler to leave WWE and would rather pay him to sit at home than go elsewhere.

Here’s my take on this particular rumor. Is it true? Probably not. Did it actually happen? Probably not. It sounds like a rather sensationalized story that continues the narrative of “the crazy old man” that every dirtsheet claims that he is. Rather or not any of those stories of him ripping up full scripts of Smackdown and/or changing things at Summerslam once the pay-per-view had already began are true, it just seems convenient that another story about Vince would come out. Lately, it’s been weekly – next week it’ll be daily.

And two hours after this article was posted the rumor was found to be not true. Imagine that, a rumor on the internet with no found evidence got the jackals talking on the keyboards. Good ol’ fashioned gossip and once it’s out, it becomes truth.

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