It’s been awhile…

So if you’ve stumbled back onto this website you may have noticed that I have been quite absent. My last post was back in 2019. Ironically, my last post was about a rumor that WWE was refusing to released Dolph Ziggler, and just this past week Ziggler was apart of the recent release cuts.

I have been mentally preparing to return to this website for Dropkick Daily for quite some time, but for whatever reason, I just hadn’t until today. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been doing things in the meantime. I was actually printing a monthly Dropkick Daily Professional Wrestling Zine that went for 15 issues. Not so bad, if I do say so myself. The plan is to continue the zine in the future, but I am also focusing my efforts on this platform.

Since I was fourteen years old I have always maintained some form of wrestling website that offered news, opinions, and the sort. For the past four years, I haven’t used that platform and I really did miss it. I enjoy talking about wrestling, whenever and to whomever, as long as they are somewhat interested in the sport.

With all that said, welcome back if you’re a returning visitor. Hello and welcome if you’re a new visitor. I have lots of plans for writings for the future. So here it goes!

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