
Dropkick Daily was opened on March 13, 2012 by Patrick L. Wallace. The website is dedicated to several different types of genres in the entertainment field which includes Professional Wrestling, comics books, movies, television and music. Dropkick Daily will bring you all the results, reviews and insights of each genre.


Patrick L. Wallace
I’m 33 years old. I have a wife of thirteen years, Stephaney, two sons Trenton and Steffan and daughter Charley. I live in Gladewater, Texas. I have been following Professional Wrestling since I was twelve years old. I followed my dream of becoming a Professional Wrestler in 2002 at the age of sixteen when I started training. Seventeen years later, I am still wrestling by the stage name of “Supernova” Sean Cordova.

I have been a fan of comic books since I was eight years old. My first comic book I remember buying was Spawn #1. I also was a fanatic about Moon Knight. In my collection then among Spawn and Moon Knight, I had several mixed issues that included Batman, Superman, Ghost Rider, X-Men, and Daredevil just to name a few. I would also make my own comic books and actually sell them. My Uncle Neil, in fact, bought a “limited time only” issue of a character I created called Black Cat and his wife still owns the only copy in existence. I fell out of comic books a bit in my teenage years due to Professional Wrestling, but checked in from time to time especially when WWE had a small run with The Undertaker comic. I got back into the swing of things when I started reading Batman RIP story arc and collecting many of the Batman graphic novels that are available. I now collect Daredevil (have the complete Volume 1 run), Savage Dragon, Sonic the Hedgehog, Usagi Yojimbo, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and X-Men.

My favorite band of all-time is the Smashing Pumpkins. The first time I listened to the band was in 1994 and still to this day when I need a pick-me-up, Smashing Pumpkins is my go to band. The few that follow behind is Nirvana, Nine Inch Nails, Modest Mouse, GWAR, and Skillet.

Favorite TV shows consist of Impractical Jokers, Modern Family, IT Crowd, and King of Queens.

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